So sorry for the wait. I'm quite busy (tangled up in a paid side job). Wasn't nice of me too keep you waiting, so I apologise for that.
Any way to access that board without the download?
No, there isn't. Some of the mod code is posted there.
person on the SMF support forum talking about the PRO mod is complaining about it not working
That was about a parse error which is fixed as indicated in the changelog.
I'd like to know also if the LITE versions ratings will carry over to the pro version
Yes, they do. There is an automated importer in the admin to do that.
specific features of the pro version vs the lite version would be helpful
Ordering all posts within a topics listed in the message index by highest/lowest rating
Ability to expand the rating to more than 5 images.
A Complete Stats page for viewing highest rated posts/topics, most rated posts/topics, highest rated member, and more.
The ability to turn this into a Topic Ratings MOD.
The ability to select Categories/Boards to enable/disable Post Ratings in.
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