Author Topic: It was the year when everything changed  (Read 1065 times)

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« on: February 06, 2019, 08:20:17 PM »

Welp, seems as though this board hasn't been upda-- er, let's fix that!

There have been several updates to this here site. First off, I didn't renew my old domain name because I cuouldn't scrape up $12 at the time. So someone else snatched it. So a few months later I grabbed this domain name. Seems as if a .com is a little cheaper than .net. Go figure.

Then came the task of the SMF updates. 2.0.10 through 2.0.13 installed cleanly. 2.0.14 had one error, and 2.0.15 had three errors. Sorting those was easy, they were small edits. I did have to uninstall the mod to search sent PMs since 2.0.15 coughed on it. Maybe dougiefresh has an update out now. Can't be arsed to look.

I'm slowly updating this theme to use more flexbox and less floats. The default font is now Arial. Arial everywhere. Only fair, since I changed Windows' default font to Arial. Did I mention it's name? Arial. Back to this theme. I'm also trying to make it mobile-friendly. I can't be bothered to edit templates much, so CSS media queries it is. And I know that there is a mod for that, but I don't like its implementation. I'd rather do it properly by modifying the default display positions to only be declared if the correct screen size is found.

The mods listing uses Aeva Media as its backend. This will pose a problem for updates since its author long since abandoned it. I might convert those listings to topics, and their associated files as attachments. Therefore, I then will use a part of SMF itself which eliminates the problem of stale code.

I have a grand total of 85 mods installed. I already cleared out five, and there's still some that are sitting unused. Just sitting there. Bouncing a yo-yo. Remember Project Tools? Yeah. It was also sitting there. Also bouncing a yo-yo.