These are near-in-the-future mods that I'm thinking about, the projects started perhaps, in a couple month's time. For now I'd like to work out the ideas, and the costs, and whether they're even reasonable requests. I would also need to discuss them further with the other admins at my forum.
1) Shoutbox
- The shoutbox will be on the members' profiles, and anyone who has permission will be able to use the Shoutboxes to leave each other comments.
- The shoutbox will work kind of like an "add comments" section... Except I really love the AJAX Instant Quick Reply mod--so I'd like it if the comments could be added in a smooth, 'instant' style like that mod without the page refreshing. (Link to mod HERE).
- When leaving a comment, the shoutbox will detect the user's account name. When their name and profile image shows up in the shoutbox after submitting it, the name left in the shoutbox will lead to the account profile. So for example,
[profile image] Mari-chi: Hi, there!
^ In that example, clicking on 'Mari-chi' would lead to my profile. I hope I'm making sense.
2) Extra 'Box' in Profile
- An extra 'box' in the profile section for users to add whatever they would like. In reality it would be used to add character biography (the box title would state 'Character Biography', and should be static and unchangeable by the user). it'll just be an empty box matching the forum theme that will go on the profile of members who have permission.
- Members who don't have permission for the 'character biography box' will not see it at all in their profiles.
- Members who do have permission will be able to edit it through their profile settings (maybe 'Forum Profile' section?), and can choose whether or not they want it showing up on their profile page.
3) Photo Gallery
- Members who have permission will be able to upload avatars and other images in a personal 'photo gallery'.
- This photo gallery can be accessed (only by those members who have permission) when changing their avatar. So they would be able to upload their avatars beforehand, then choose from their gallery if they want to change them.
- The photo gallery, if so the member chooses, can be displayed on the profile page. (An arrow leading left and right will slide through the images.)
My budget is a maximum $50 ~ $100 for each of those mods, but a maximum of $300 in total. (Edit: Sorry, I felt I should clarify my budget better.
What do you think?