Author Topic: Forum Activity Points System  (Read 973 times)

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« on: September 24, 2011, 02:42:42 PM »


I need a mod for my board SMF2 RC5.

It is a point-system for a small competition. Every year (or every 3 month) i want to give prices (books, cd's...) for the activitiest member in my forum.

they can earn points for:

- playing arcade = 1 point

- write a (pmx)blog entry = 5 points

- upload pictures = 5 points

- start new topic = 3 points

- answer a new topic = 1 point

- log in (only one time durnig 3 hours) = 1.5 points

- every hour the stay in the board = 1 point

- give karma = 2 points

- give thank you = 0.5 points

- create a membergroup ( = 10 points

- points for registrations = 10 points

The members with the highest points win.


- membergroups on/off

- karma on/off

- arcade on/off

- change time for log-in and for to stay in the board

- point value must be changeable

The points must be viewable in the profile and in the statistic-page. A simple PHP-Block-Code for Simpleportal (top 10 points) must be nice... ;)

I offer 250 USD!!! (paypal)

for further information please contact me.

thank you

edit: maybe with different point settings for different user groups: (e.g. i have postcount membergroups, so if you write more posts you receive more points...)