Author Topic: +1 Upvote for topic in feature/suggestions board  (Read 955 times)

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« on: October 01, 2012, 09:14:23 PM »


I have posted on the SMF site and am considering your topic rating mod, but what I'm after is really rather simple so I thought I would see what sort of $$ you would be after to make it for me?


I've been searching for a mod to do the below and have not come up with anything other than the topic rating mods (star rating based) so thought I would put it out there in case someone else has the answer (if not, I will just mod one of the other mods .

I would like the ability to add a +1 or "Me Too" button to topics that are posted in a feature/suggestions board (for a software product). The product forum is currently running on GetSatisfaction (I am rebuilding using SMF because GetSatisfaction sucks) and this is an important feature that allows the developers to gauge how much demand there is for each feature suggestion - that way, they know they are building exactly what the community wants.

We do not need a star rating, just simply a counter (one count for each member that hits the button - cannot vote more than once/undo would be nice), along with the ability to sort topics by the count #.

This will be for a site with a totally custom/stripped down front end, so I really just need the stats/links available for me to integrate into our html/php - it does not need to be exclusive, so if you were interested in doing if for a lower price and keeping it packageable for resale, that's cool.

- Josh

« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2013, 06:38:39 PM »

I would love to see a mod like this too. It would be extremely helpful.